UK Elections: Multiple choice questions

1. Do you know where the maximum length of a parliamentary period is defined?

In the Parliament act of 1948
It is presented in the State Opening of Parliament
In Magna Carta
In the Parliament Act of 1911

2. What is actually the maximum length of a parliamentary period?

4 years
5 years
3 years
6 years

3. Who are eligible to become a candidate at a parliamentary election?

British, Commonwealth and Irish citizens aged 21 or over
British citizens +21 years only
British and Commonwealth citizens +21 years
British citizens +18 years

4. Who is able to vote in parliamentary elections?

All British citizens +18
All British citizens and the citizens of Commonwealth countries and the Irish Republic +18
All British citizens +21
All British citizens and the citizens of Commonwealth countries and the Irish Republic +21

5. What is a constituency?

The instrument used by the Party Whip to summon the MPs
A specified area in the UK which represents one seat in Parliament
A specified area in the UK which represents one seat in the House of Lords
An important part of the Great Charter (Magna Carta)

6. Which are the two dominating parties in the UK?

The Labour Party and the Liberal Party
The Labour Party and the Tories
The Labour Party and the Scottish National Party
The Labour Party and the Conservative Party

7. What does it mean to canvass the public for votes?

The candidates/supporters try to bribe the electorate
The candidates/supporters try to estimate the number of 'secure' votes in the constituency
The candidates/supporters go from door to door, etc. to win votes
The candidates/supporters present their party programme on the local TV station

8. What is a party manifesto?

A public declaration of the ideas and polities of a political party
The party arranged for high-ranking partimembers of the biggest political party after a general election
The part of the legislation stating the election rules for the political parties
The official party-poem

9. What is a Gallup poll?

Another name for an election
A place where votes are cast and recorded
The number of votes recorded
A canvassing of a selected sample group of people in an attempt to discover opinion on some question

10. What is a poll

Another name for an election
A place where votes are cast and recorded
The number of votes recorded
A canvassing of a selected sample group of people in an attempt to discover opinion on some question

11. What is meant by the First Past the Post voting system in the UK?

The candidate with the highest number of votes will be asked to form the new government
The expression is taken from cricket and emphasises the necessity of fair play during the election
The candidate with the most votes in each constituency becomes its MP
Only the candidate with the best financial support is given access to the local radio and TV stations

12. What does it mean that a party has an overall majority after a general election?

It wins all the seats in the House of Commons
It combines with other parties to form a coalition government
It is supported by more than 50% of the national electorate
It wins more than half of the seats in the House of Commons

13. Who will usually be asked to form the new government after a general election?

The ruling king or queen
The leader of the party winning the most seats in the Commons
The party whip of the biggest party
The highest-ranking representative of the civil service

14. What is the civil service?

All those being elected at general elections
All those maintaining the offices, cars, etc. of the different departments
All those employed within the civil court system
All those employed in government administration