Prosjektressurser - Trinidad&Tobago

Fra meg sjøl:
The Trinidad Guardian
The Trinidad Express
Politiske forhold
Geologiske forhold
Kjempeside om platetektonikk + jordutvikling
Været i det østlige Karibien

Fra Gunn Heidi:
Welcome to the Trini web page
Welcome to Trinidad&Tobago
The Entertainment Capital of the Caribbean
T&T resources
T&T nature
Facts on Trinidad
T&T resources in Britannica
More T&T resources in Britannica

Fra Guro og Elisabet S.:
T&T Map
Three of the links were broken :-(
Two of the others were already covered.

Fra Lill-Katrin:
You must have forgotten to add the links. I couldn't find any....

From Torgeir:
Even more from Britannica!

From Elisabeth:
Trade Point Port of Spain
The Official Website of the Government of T&T
The First Nations of Trinidad & Tobago
History of the Caribbean: Terms
One link had already been covered.

From Marianne:
Utforsk Trinidad
T&T resources
'Gaia' in Port of Spain
På Tabernakelsiden fant jeg ikke noe om T&T
The present weather in Port of Spain
...and the weather in Scarborough :-)
'Feriemagasinet' on T&T
Another T&T map
Another link-site

From Sindre:
One link, which had already been presented