Open questions and translations

Organized by OpenClass

Open questions:
Questions which a) may have more than one answer - or - b) cannot be given a precise answer.

The textboxes:
In the textboxes you can write your answers to the questions.

'Save me...':
If you have logged in you will find 'push buttons' reminding you to save your work. You should use this opportunity to avoid problems. If your PC freezes, your net-connection is lost, etc. you will lose your work.When you log in you get access to the save-function of the system. Added to the benefit of extra security is the opportunity to do your work on other computers whenever and wherever you want. If not at home: Remember to log out when you leave your computer!!!
Whatever you save will be stored for at least six months after the last time you saved it.

Check your answers:
At the bottom of the page you will find a button for checking your answers.
When clicking this button you are presented with a comparison between your own answers and the suggested answers to the questions. Check your answers to the suggested ones carefully, and DO NOT waste your answers immediately if they do not correspond to the suggested ones. Do remember that we are dealing with 'open questions'! If you still think your answer(s) is/are good enough even if they don't match the suggested ones, please, ask your teacher!!!

You will find boxes for marking every one of your answers from '0' to '6'. '0' is very poor, really worthless, while '6' is equivalent to 'A' in America.
When you have checked and marked all your answers - you can get a feedback by clicking the 'Check your answers...' button at the bottom of the page.
Of course, it is easy to cheat, but the only one you'll cheat is yourself! If you are to kind-hearted when handing out marks, you'll obviously end up with at far too excellent evaluation report.